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With a Bachelor’s degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Language Acquisition and Linguistics,
Desirae has used her knowledge and experience in these areas as a catalyst for her writing career. She also
has over fifteen years of extensive experience in journalism, writing, research analysis, and entertainment
media representation.
Aside from her experience working in her field of expertise, she is a published model who has appeared
in magazines, commercials, movie trailers, and trade show events across the nation. These things led her
to expand her modeling, acting, speaking and writing talents from her home state of Arizona, to an
international level.
With vivacity being her greatest charm, an executive producer sought after her talents and recruited her.
She went on to work with the Fox Television Network in Japan as a spokesmodel and media personality
host for their special V.I.P events and “About Town” interviewing segments. As expected, this opened up
even more doors for the blooming beauty. She was heavily recognized for her gift of gab and in turn, was
booked regularly for speaking and hosting events. Desirae says she absolutely loves these forms of
expression because it allows her to build relationships with other like minded people.
Being that she was born in Korea, traveling and learning about the world continue to be a large part of
this lovely lady’s life. Aside from her experience living and working in Asia, the gorgeous jet setter has
also lived in a variety of other places including Europe. Possessing an understanding of cultural
awareness is something she admires in others and outwardly practices herself. She says, “At a very young
age, my parents exposed me to different cultures and regularly took me on trips around the world. This
helped me to appreciate the differences in people on a global scale.” If that were not enough, she also is
fluent in Spanish and can cook a meal fit for a king!
As a first time mom, Desirae understands the importance of nurturing the development of her beautiful
son. Although her previous career and success in the education and language field spans well over ten
plus years, in 2016, she made the choice to put her focus on her writing, entertainment media and spokes-
modeling work from the comfort of her own home. Desirae explains, “Now that he’s a little older, he
does participate in a preschool program, but the time I’m able to spend with him is priceless, and these
formative years are highly important to a child’s development.”
Over the years, she has cultivated the ferocity to be passionate about what moves her and doesn’t hesitate
to let the world know. Partnering up with people involved in the entertainment, music and film making
industry, continues to let her creativity shine. She is very vocal about noteworthy causes that touch her
spirit, and according to this beauty, motivating others while inspiring herself are the keys to creating even
more abundance.
When asked about her philosophy on life, she says, “There’s nothing more motivational than being the
best version of yourself, whether it be in the form of continuously learning, growing, or challenging
yourself to do more.” Desirae is the perfect example of proof that physical beauty can seamlessly meld
together with inner beauty. Her words have the ability to invade your thoughts and open your mind in
ways you didn’t think possible.
She also reminds us of this key point in regard to life and the general pursuit of happiness, “The simple
act of saying your own name, spoken along with powerful affirmations, is one of the most powerful things
you can do to bring success into your life.”

To learn even more about Desirae, or to hire her for your next project, visit her on the following social
media sites, including her own writing focused website listed below.
Facebook Personal Page:
Facebook Fan Page:
Instagram: @DesiraeBBB

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